Saturday, August 30, 2014

Beautiful Cars

Since I just started my senior project I don't have much to say since i still have not spent as much time as I would like working on my mentorship hours; Although I can say I haven't learned every little thing about Drag Racing yet I have experienced a new feeling i cant explain. When arriving to a drag strip the feeling you get inside to see hundreds if people that love to do the same thing you do makes for a special connection. At the track everyone is there to help and theirs always people that walk up and just want to talk about your car with you and other times you walk up to others. The feeling is different than anything else iv'e experienced and the amount of cars that show up is crazy all types of people from the guy that made his car with a 10 thousand dollar budget and the person that spent 1 million dollars and is still planning to spend more. A drag track really turns me into a kid in a candy store (with no money). Below are some drag cars so you can see a little taste of what I see.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Interview Preperation

1. Who do you plan to interview? Why?

I plan to interview my mentor Greg Peterson for my first interview because i know him well and he is the person to introduce me to the Drag racing. It would be a good place to start because of his knowledge and past history and i could really learn lots of tricks and tips from him.

2. You have to ask 5 questions. what additional 5 questions do you plan to ask?

I plan to ask very conversation starting questions like, How did you start drag racing originally? What caused you to like racing so much and invest so much money? If you could change something or an experience you had in the past with drag racing what would it be? What do you love most about drag racing and why? What goes on in your mind during every pass? Why?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Topic Choice and Working EQ

1. Drag Racing

2. How can a drag race driver best improve his chances of winning the race?

Monday, August 18, 2014

Summer Mentorship Hours

1. Mentorship log of hours:

2.What is the contact name and number of where you volunteered?

- Greg Peterson (909) 208-7742

3.What questions were raised because of the 10 hour experience?

 - Do i really think about dedicating my life to working on cars?
 - What probabilities are their that i can end up successful in life with this career?
 - Out of the thousands of different job opportunities what would I like to join the most?

4. What is the most important thing you gained about this experience? Why?

 - The most important thing i gained about this experience was the amount of hours and effort involved in making a car work all together. It also gave me a sense of actual work as i am used to only working on my own cars and not keeping track of hours and money invested as i did during the completion of my 10 hours. It was important because it gave me a feel of the so called adult life and what it has in store for the future.

5.What is your senior topic going to be? How did what you do help you choose a topic? Please explain.

- My senior topic is performance mechanic and i decided i wanted to do performance mechanic a early into summer because growing up i've always had the passion for cars and from the first time I helped my mentor work on his car i knew that what i wanted. It helped me decide because at first i thought about doing normal topics like marketing and business but from early into research i decided I really wanted to be somewhere in the car industry and i really tried my best to have automotive engineering as my topic but when i couldn't find a mentor i knew the closest thing would be what i chose,  Performance Mechanic