Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Blog 18: Fourth Interview Questions

  1. What car do you drive and what have you done to it?
  2. Do you have any other goals for the car, if so how will you accomplish them?
  3. What car or type of car would you recommend for someone to turn into a drag car?
  4. Tube chassis or stock chassis and why?
  5. Would you recommend fabricating a roll cage as an owner or is it better to get it made?
  6.  In you’re opinion would you recommend a turbo, twin turbo, blower, or nitrous oxide system for a car?
  7. What brand Turbo, Blower or Nitrous System would you recommend? Why? 
  8. With the previous decision what other upgrades would you recommend adding with the Turbo, Blower, or Nitrous Oxide system?
  9. Also for a potential drag build what engine would you recommend and, why?
  10. What types of engine component upgrades would you recommend? Or for the beginning of a build which upgrades would you recommend first?
  11. What ignition system and spark plugs are the most reliable on the track?
  12. In your experience what transmission would you say works the best with this?
  13. Their is also option of clutch-less transmissions and regular 2 speeds do you think the difference is really worth the money?
  14. What do you recommend for rims and tires?why?
  15. What size tires would you say work best? Is the biggest tire possible really the best bet for hooking better?
  16. Rear end gear ratio that you would say works best?
  17. Do you recommend any specific brand gauges or specific style that have worked better for you?
  18. Do shifter brands matter or are all shifters similar for the most part?
  19. Are racing shoes better to use or are they just a luxury some racers like to have?
  20. What are the best options for weight reduction on a track car?
  21.  Are their any other upgrades a drag car needs that a first time builder wouldn't regularly know?

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